If you feel that your company’s processes have been lagging lately, it’s time to take a deeper look into why that might be. There’s a lot to be gained by leaning on each other — how much work are your individual agents doing, and could they be more effective if they were put on a team? Collaboration in the workplace is all the rage these days, and it’s about time your business cashed in on this strategy!
Collaborating is an endlessly helpful method of running a company. And it has endless methods of application, as well. Just about as creative as you can get is about as broad as the topic of collaboration can be. PhaseWare has been a proud supporter of the collaborative mindset for a long time, and here are two of the main ways that we try to encourage and improve upon your company’s abilities as a conglomerative whole:
We have created (and are constantly perfecting) one of the most effective knowledge base software systems around. PhaseWare’s emphasis on team support really came to fruition with the development of our KB software, which features an incredibly robust searching function that will yield the right results every time you need it. We’ve equipped our software with natural language searching and result ranking capabilities, so that when your agents reach out for a collaborative solution, it’s practically handed to them on a silver platter. The KB also serves as a kind of living document, so that there is no end to the amount of collaboration involved with its maintenance.
PhaseWare has also made it extremely easy to implement a system of multichannel customer service software. This strategy helps to ensure that no agent is left out to dry with a customer file — all interactions and previous contacts are viewable from a single click when you access a customer file, for a full, 360 degree view of the customer. If an agent has the customer on a live chat line, after that customer has already been on the phones and sent an email, there is no missed information between the three of those service points. This way, agents are able to collaborate with each other to reach a better understanding of what customers are looking for, which methods are most effective, and how to achieve the speediest possible resolution.
We put our money where our mouths are, too. With PhaseWare’s software, you don’t just get the product out of the box — you get the whole team. We promise the best experience possible for every customer we have, which means that we’re willing to collaborate however you see fit to create the perfect customer service environmentfor your team to work in and for your buyers to access.
Want to get started? A trial run for PhaseWare’s amazing products is absolutely free — no credit card required. Sign up today!