Why Do Customers Love Self Service Portals?

A quality self service portal can make your company stand out because customers know they can find the answers to their questions quickly. Some companies have a self service option, but if it’s not configured properly, then it’s just as good as not having one at all. If you’re going to offer a self service portal to your customers, backing it up with customizable customer support software will make it easier to use and ensure your customer’s question gets answered appropriately. With customers today relying on self service options, you’ll be behind the game if you don’t offer one yourself. Here’s why customers love this option so much.

Customers Can Find Answers on Their Own

Customers simply don’t have time to wait on hold in a call center queue and don’t have the patience to wait 24-48 hours to get an email response. Instead, when you have a self service portal for them to read knowledge base articles, find answers to common issues, download helpful documents and more, they’ll be able to find their answers quicker. The satisfaction a customer experiences when their question is answered without having to contact your support department is huge when it comes to customer retention and business reputation.

Customers Submit and Track Issues Online

One of the top secure customer solutions is having a self service portal for customers to submit inquiries and track their ticket online. Many times a customer will need an answer after hours when your support channels are closed. Combining a self service option to submit tickets with a configurable customer support solution will ensure a customer is confident that their inquiry will be handled promptly.

Engagement With Other Customers

Customers want to know what other customers think about a product or service. Another one of the best secure customer solutions is offering a forum, FAQ section or another portal for customers to engage with one another. Even though your agents are the most credible people to help customers with their questions, there’s something about peer interaction that a customer sees value in. If nothing else, your customers may visit the forum to confirm the answer your agent gave them, so having an integrated software to provide consistent answers is critical.

PhaseWare places a large emphasis on self service portals because they can be extremely valuable for a business. Customers want to search knowledge base articles, download instructions, search forums, read FAQs and more on their own. Having customizable customer support software can help you manage every support channel, including self service options, to provide a better overall customer experience. Be sure to contact us to learn more about how self service portals can improve your support processes.


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