Every company automates at least part of their day. It’s usually one of the most effective, reliable time savers you can implement to help your crew and your business succeed on a day-to-day basis. But the world of automation isn’t just a nice little add-on – at PhaseWare, we believe it’s absolutely necessary to automate as much of your routine as you can in order to speed processes, eradicate clerical errors, and improve on your customer service satisfaction rates. After years of perfecting the tool, we have the kind of automation system that can truly help your company step into the future.
A major feature of our automation software involves the reporting process. While assessing your company efficiency, making business choices for the future of the product, or evaluating the customer/employee satisfaction rates, it’s imperative to run various reports so that you have a starting point to work from. This can be time consuming, and not always lucrative, if you run the wrong report or if you need to run a particularly lengthy report and you’re attempting to do so organically. This is why PhaseWare provides automated reporting at every turn, so that you input a near-zero level of effort and receive a steady supply of information on company metrics. With over 80 reports out-of-the-box, PhaseWare is at the top of the line in reporting software.
Another side of the business which can benefit heavily from the proper use of automation is ensuring compliance with your company’s Service Level Agreements (SLA’s). The business rules that your company uses to run on a day-to-day basis are some of the most important pieces of the puzzle that keep the whole operation afloat, and PhaseWare respects this fact as much as you need to. With your SLA software you can automate your SLA controls to notify agents whenever an agreement is in jeopardy or close to being violated. There’s no need to spend time with constant checking or worry over human error when a program is set into place that can analyze and capture the right information and get that information into the right hands immediately. The Event Engine product is designed to take the burden of SLA agreement maintenance off of your crew and lighten the daily workload so that your experts are free to spend their valuable time on more pressing projects.
Automation is a many-sided enigma, and these two ways are just the beginning of the possibilities for improvement that are available to your business. PhaseWare has been developing its uniquely powerful automation systems for years to yield as much benefit as possible, and we are happy to pass all that expertise onto your company.
Bogged down by busywork? Automate your processes and you’ll be running more quickly and efficiently than ever before. Get in touch with us today for a FREE trial or demo to see just how much PhaseWare can do for you.