How to Please Your B2B’s (Part 2)

In our previous post, we discussed some of the pitfalls of providing customer care to other businesses. It’s important to keep an eye out for the dangers in customer service, but it is equally important to be aware of your company’s positive potential. Cultivating the most effective and satisfactory customer care environment often starts before the customer has even reached out for support. Here are the top 3 ways your business can maintain a good standing with its B2B customers.

#1: Spot the solution before your customer has even spotted the problem. Proactive customer care is truly the heart of good service. Providing a product your customers love is great, but looking out for your customers while they use that product is essential. With PhaseWare’s Tracker you will have access to any number of customizable notifications and info-mapping sets to keep you ahead of the game and aware of potential customer service issues long before your customers start to worry.

#2: Your customers are your partners, and they like to be treated as such. With individual care, the issues and resolutions are often repetitive and able to be solved en masse, with forum responses or FAQ pages. This is rarely so when working with a company. It is in your best interest to work towards their best interest, by proving that you have an adaptable team and a product that will grow with their business. The ability to provide unique and complete care to each B2B customer has an immediate effect your customer satisfaction score, and what a business says about your customer service department carries a lot more clout than an individual review. While ability to be consistent, flexible, and reliable may seem like a tall order, building the trust in your B2B relationships is the ultimate path to customer loyalty.

#3: Honesty. Working relationships can be tricky. When working with another business, being upfront about your interactions is the most lucrative policy for both parties. As mentioned above, building trust with your B2B customers is a key element to providing the best possible customer service for them, and encouraging more business in the future. Being honest about issues, potential issues, solutions, and upcoming changes will allow your B2B customers the comfort of understanding what kind of work is being done. With that kind of openness between the two companies, communication will be conducted in a trusting and supportive way, rather than the unfortunate alternative of both parties constantly trying to protect themselves, which happens all too frequently with customer service interactions.

Learning to put your B2B customers first is an excellent step in growing the positive potential for your company. By following these three tips, you can more easily navigate the waters of a B2B relationship, with favorable results.


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