When it comes to gaining better insight and intelligence related to your B2B business processes, visual data reporting has gained solid footing. It provides a more efficient and effective alternative to traditional means such as Powerpoint or an Excel spreadsheet. While these traditional methods still have merit, visual reporting tools have become more recognized and utilized for their added convenience and in-depth insight into customer behavior and in-house productivity.
Some people still think these tools are overrated and don’t provide an advantage over traditional methods. However, by getting a better understanding of the benefits of visual tools, you may find it’s something your customer service infrastructure needs.
Better Access to Trends
Using visual data tools allows for a clearer understanding of consumer trends in the marketplace of a given industry. For executives and CEOs, this is a great chance to recognize and take advantage of new opportunities. This insight can also be shared with other departments such as marketing or sales so they can tailor their campaigns based on new data. The great thing about visual systems is they allow for web-based accessibility without extensive installation and training. Multiple departments can access data simultaneously without much support from IT. This type of visualization allows for more freedom and convenience than traditional reporting methods.
Reduce Workload
The volume of data at the disposal of B2Bs can be overwhelming. Sending out batches of reports for each reporting cycle necessitates the work of an entire team or department. However, by integrating visual data reporting, a company can save money and reduce the overall workload. Visualization dashboard software combines responsive visuals with real-time analytics, all with sharing capabilities. This streamlined reporting helps support management optimize their staff’s workflow. It also makes delivering reports much easier, cutting down on communication between clients and reducing client frustration.
Better Understanding of Support Productivity
A visual report system provides management with great insight into their support team’s productivity. It also uncovers strengths and weaknesses in specific employees and where there are operational bottlenecks. This can help management reward staff for high performance or alert them to a change that needs to be made in an employee’s role. This all results in better operation productivity. It also helps increase a team’s morale. Visual reporting can also expose underperforming agents so management can either reposition them or replace them with a new team member. All these changes make for a more productive and happier support staff.
Save Time with Easier Access to Data
Time is a critical resource for any business. Today, companies are looking for every possible way to save time by making their processes more efficient. This is one of the biggest advantages of visual reporting. Using an integrated dashboard, you can decide what data you see. You also see it in a way that’s easily understood, as you have control over the data sources and display features. This helps all departments across an organization save time and be more proactive about how they utilize data.
Visual data technology provides an easier way to provide information to clients and also helps a B2B’s in-house efficiency. PhaseWare can help integrate this into your software for B2B customer service. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about how visual data reports can help your business.