B2B organizations have to think about their customer support deliverables differently than B2Cs. Because service level agreements are typically in place, a B2B entity has a responsibility to provide reliable support when clients run into issues. The level of customer care has to be top-notch or clients will take their business elsewhere. To accommodate increasing support standards, companies have started implementing artificial intelligence into their operation.
AI-powered tools allow agents to provide faster, more in-depth answers to product issues. They also help support teams streamline their process so clients aren’t waiting for answers to pressing issues. This translates to a better customer experience, which is essential if a B2B organization wants to compete. Let’s drill down into exactly how artificial intelligence can help support departments improve customer care.
Understanding Client Behavior
Modern B2B support teams need to know exactly how their client base is using their product and what channels of support they prefer. Unfortunately, collecting and analyzing these metrics can take lots of time and require focused data reporting knowledge. However, by implementing B2B customer support software with AI, a support department can access these metrics instantly. Tools like AI-powered chatbots can track client behavior and turn this information into hard data. Using machine learning, these tools are able to predict what issues a client is likely to have and provide insights on how agents can offer better customer care. Support teams no longer have to sift through unending metrics to see the big picture.
Many people now expect some level of personalization when reaching out to a business partner for support. For customer service teams handling many clients, this is hard to offer manually. They need AI to help them out. These tools can interact with clients in a much more dynamic way than thought possible 20 years ago. Chatbots can access client information and cater their responses for a more personalized experience. They can also direct clients to desired support channels for additional answers. For example, a chatbot could see that a client often accesses a self-service portal. They can then provide relevant links to knowledge base articles during a chat session so the client can easily find solutions to product issues on their own.
Proactive Support
Traditionally, customer support was reactive. Agents would address issues when the client connected them. Today, however, people are beginning to expect proactive support. This means a business reaches out to them before an issue occurs. AI makes this process much easier by tracking the way clients use a business’s product and when they tend to need support. With this information in agents’ hands, it’s much easier to stop issues before they occur. In addition, the automation that AI brings to a support department allows them to know exactly when a product update could potentially cause an issue. Agents are then able to provide proactive support to prepare clients.
Make Customer Care a Priority
Don’t let a poor customer experience lead to loss of revenue and a bad business reputation. Incorporate artificial intelligence into your B2B support operation and ensure a high level of customer care at all times.
PhaseWare can help by integrating B2B customer support software into your process. Contact us today to learn more.