When customers are approaching your company for support in some way, there are a few factors that always come to the top of the list of results they’d like to see. Accuracy is an obvious must, courtesy is often necessary, but speed seems to be absolutely indispensable. One of the major realities of customer service centers is that no customer really wants to be spending their time correcting an issue — but if they must reach out for support, they want the response to be quick and concise, and they don’t want to come back twice. Here are the top five ways you can help your team speed up the customer support process:
1. Provide a killer KB. The knowledge base is such an important item for your customer service representatives (CSR). With a good KB, your agents will be instant experts in every topic, able to search and locate the correct answer to any question at any time.
2. Automate everything possible. The less time your agents have to spend on tasks that can be automated is more time agents can spend with their expertise more aptly channeled. The automation of processes can alleviate a lot of pressure on your team, too, by keeping deadlines and schedules without anyone having to monitor or check up on it.
3. Get a ticket tracker you can rely on. Ticket management isn’t just plopping the tickets into one department or another. The right ticket tracking system will spread across varying forms of customer access, provide a full, 360 degree view of the customer profile, and allow agents to know instantaneously what steps have already been taken and where to start with a customer ticket.
4. Cross-train your agents. Cross-training can go back and forth, but if you find yourself with a naturally multi-tasking team which needs stimulation to stay motivated, cross-training them will unlock an upper level of customer support. If an agent is able to switch out of one department and into another, it can often breathe fresh life into that position and that agent, which in turn increases the speed and motivation of the team and your customer satisfaction rates!
5. Eliminate tiered support. In the old days it seemed like a good idea to have your tickets pre-sorted by giving customers a set of hoops to get through before the actual agent came on the line — but we know better now. Tiered support just gums up the process, creating frustrated, elongated customer interactions and ultimately making the job hard for your customer support representative (CSR) team.
Don’t let your team get bogged down! Keeping it light and quick will make your employees happy and your customers even happier.
If you want quicker service rates, PhaseWare is the place to start. Get in touch today to get a free demo of all of our amazing product features.