In recent years, visual data has become an increasingly popular way to convey information. This is why YouTube has seen a huge surge in usage over the past several years and why it’s important for websites to function well on mobile devices. Digesting and understanding content is simply easier when it’s image-based. This trend extends to data reporting and can be a great tool when creating the best possible customer service experience. Visual data reporting is a faster, more effective way of gathering and sharing information across in-house departments. It’s definitely becoming one of the main imperative assets for maintaining a strong support team. Let’s look at some of the ways you can use it to enhance your customer support operation
Quick Access to Handle Time Rates
Providing quality customer support has become very important in the B2B marketplace. Your clients may have a need for regular interaction with your support reps. When this is the case, handle times are of the utmost importance. It’s crucial your support department resolves client issues in a timely manner, regardless of whether the issue was sent in by the client or a call was placed to your support team. By using visual data reporting in your software for B2B customer service, you can generate custom reports to show you exactly how long it’s taking your support department to resolve issues and provide clients with necessary information. You can use these reports to find where bottlenecks are occurring and make changes to your operation to improve handle times.
Discover Where There’s Room for Improvement
Another great benefit of visual reporting is you can pinpoint which reps are holding back your support team. You can then provide further training or make changes to that rep’s role within the department. Because these reports are much easier to understand and customize, you can also share them with your team as a motivational tool. You can create reports for individual reps or for the entire team. Doing this is a great way to establish goals they can shoot for. Visual data reports also make monitoring progress very easy. All of this plays into refining and improving the support you’re providing to clients.
Track Trends in Your Self-Service Portal
If you provide a self-service option for your clients, you need to know how it’s performing. This means determining which features are working and which aren’t. Using visual reporting makes this easy. You can track how your clients are interacting with the portal and if they’re getting the information they need. Data reports are especially helpful when determining which knowledge base materials are being used. You can use this data to refine and grow the content you provide within your self-service portal. Sharing this information across different departments can benefit you in a number of ways. For example, your sales department can look at reports to determine which services are the most popular for existing clients and cater future sales campaigns to highlight those features.
Taking advantage of visual data reporting makes the process of streamlining your customer support operation easy. It takes the guesswork out of the data reporting process so you can see exactly where deficiencies lie and make improvements. PhaseWare can provide visual reporting solutions through our software for B2B customer service. Contact us to learn more.