PhaseWare Encourages Help for Natural Disaster Victims

I would say that I was lucky to have the opportunity to go and serve the community of Tuscaloosa, AL in their time of need during this disaster.  The mass devastation was heart breaking and so many lives were effected.  I talked with many individuals that “Rode Out”  the tornado and their stories were terrifying.  I talked to Mrs. Daisy and Mr. Ed, they recounted their story and talked about how Mrs. Daisy would always get into the closet when a storm came.  Mrs. Daisy said that her friends would laugh a little about her heading for the closet.  She said, “No one is giving me a hard time now!”.  The one thing all of these people have now more than ever is Community.  Everyone has bonded together to continue to move past this tragedy and rebuild their lives.

I would like to encourage you to help as you can, not just for the tornado victims in Tuscaloosa or Joplin, MO, but victims of any natural disaster. This doesn’t have to mean traveling anywhere, it could be by donating needed supplies, money, helping with donation pickup and distribution.

Here are some links to groups that can tell you what the needs are or simply make sure your donation is used as you wished.*

American Red Cross On the right side of the page, “How to Help Victims of Disasters”, are links to how to donate time, money, or blood.

Direct Relief International Check for the link to events this organization is currently responding to.

All Hands Volunteers Look at the Project Updates

Also, many churches and other volunteer organizations local to you may have plans to help. Just give them a call. They’ll be glad you are there.


*Inclusion of these links does not imply an endorsement for a specific group. PhaseWare does not assume any liability associated with these links or organizations.
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