Mortgage companies, despite being such a huge part of the American economy, have been standing too long without the proper specialist software care. The current options piece together a combination of e-mail arrangement, loan origination systems (LOS) and elbow grease from individual agents to create the loan origination process, which leans too heavily on flawless performance from employees. The e-mail integration systems have been lacking in the ability to support mortgage companies the way they need, and the idea that associates facilitating the process will never make a single mistake just sets the company up for blunders.
PhaseWare has been developing software to help mortgage companies bridge the gap between e-mail and LOS since 2010. Present users enjoy a full complement of simple, direct tools that will improve on your company’s communication, follow-through, organization, and workflow management. Some of the most attractive features include:
- Advanced loan origination issue management. With our heavily tested, thorough intake process, PhaseWare is able to organize any number of issues presented on a given day – whether your company experiences 10 contacts regularly or 1,000. The software is designed to streamline the issue management reception so that as little work is done by agents as possible, leaving your expert employees free to employ their talents in more fitting arenas.
- Upper class information management. When an issue arises in the LOS, who is able to see the starting point, and which departments need access? With PhaseWare, you will be able to open up communication lines to resolve issues more efficiently. Managers and support staff will enjoy the ability to dive deep into loan issues and participate in vital coordination efforts to minimize time and effort spent with each incoming query. A collaborative work process is the key to a quicker, more accurate mortgage company.
- Branch support. When employees at differing branches have questions throughout the loan process, PhaseWare can step in to ensure smooth, direct communication without any hitches or lost intelligence. Eliminating the telephone effect can help confirm the necessary information and deter any tendency to overlook important details.
- Automate for success. During the average workday, each decision an agent makes takes away from that agent’s precious energy. Why demand any more of them than is necessary? PhaseWare has created software which thrives on automated processes, so that flawless performance can be expected in more and more areas of the daily flow. This kind of process can be used to adhere to response timeframes, daily workload organization, issue filtering, and much more. Never let another issue or piece of information slip through the cracks.
Mortgage companies have been demanding a solution to the pitfall between e-mail services and LOS, and with PhaseWare, you’ll be able to find just that. The list does not stop there, either! The benefits of an expert software writing team with a long history in excellence will be passed directly on to the user.
CTA: Contact PhaseWare today to change your entire company for the better. With a free trial or demo, what do you have to lose?