Best Blogs for Customer Service and Support Reading

I like to think that this blog is considered a good place to find information about customer service and support. There is so much information out there it is overwhelming, from what to look for in a software solution to how to wow your customers.

Here are some of the sources I trust that have some of the best articles on the subject:

Think Customers: The 1to1 Blog

This is written by four editors from the 1 to 1 Media group and often features guest blogs by experts in marketing and service. This blog is also an excellent resource of links to studies, white papers, interviews, and more that can give you some insight into making your customer support the best.

Social CRM: The Conversation    and   PGreenblog  both by Paul Greenberg

Paul Greenberg is something of a rock star in the world of Social CRM. His blog entries not only highlight best practices for customer service in the social media age, his blog entries are very entertaining to read. He definitely has his own voice!

By the way, he is a die-hard Yankees fan, so when the Yankees are in the World Series, watch out!

Strategy Speaks: A Peppers and Rogers Blog

Many entries are by prestigious guest bloggers but just as many are by Don Peppers himself. This blog definitely tells it like it is to the C-Suite.

Make or Break Moments

A blog by Deborah Chaddick Brown, many of the posts are inspired by Ms. Brown’s own experiences which she then looks at through the lens of the customer experience.

Who’s Your Gladys?

This blog was launched by Lori Jo Vest and Marilyn Suttle to support their book of the same name. Gladys is your loyal but hard to please customer. Lori Jo and Marilyn give you the ammunition to keep Gladys happy.

Customer Intelligence Services and Insights

This blog, run by Dr. Jodie Monger, is a corporate blog for her company, Customer Relationship Metrics. Now this isn’t a math class; she fully explains the impact behind each customer support metric and whether that metric is an apprioprate measure of customer satisfaction or agent performance.

Customer Service Buzz

A blog of the Customer Contact Council, here is where to find out the latest headlines about customer service, and information for and from the C-Suite. The blog is actually a compendium of several blogs such as “Heard From Your Peers” and “Our Viewpoint”, each of which looks at customer service from a different angle and speaks to different parts of the industry.

Now I’ll leave you with a link to some really great content, articles and papers found at the Support Center University. They range from papers on assessment of your customer service department and measuring agent performance to benchmarking and re-engineering.


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