Sadly, many people have very low expectations when it comes to customer service. As a result, exceeding their expectations doesn’t always take much. Going to the next level, turning it up to 11; however, requires a little something more. The good news? PhaseWare has some tips for going to 11 and beyond.
Give a crap, and then some
It’s one thing to have skilled people in customer service positions. And by skilled, I don’t just mean types 50 words-per-minute with a strong command of office productivity software. I mean, capable of understanding people’s problems, how it actually affects them, and how to respond with empathy and compassion. It’s more than passion your customers need, they need understanding and an adequate response.
You know, act like you give a crap. And then a little more.
Be legendary
“Exceeding expectations”, or “going above and beyond” aren’t just business clichés; they’re opportunities to be remembered, to be legendary. When you do something so awesome for your customers that they’re still telling friends years later, that’s legendary. Do more than fix problems, make friends, man!
It’s my job, too
While not every person in your organization will actually interact with the customer, everyone can be mindful of the customer experience. Whether it’s product or service improvements, package design, or marketing strategy; each person in your organization should consider how their work will impact the customer.
In turn, your company should be sure to share customer stories—both good and bad—to keep everyone aware of how the customer experience plays out in real life.
Valued, not valuable
While it’s important to value customers and the fact that they chose you, it’s important to remember that they’re people, not commodities or numbers or assets. Treat customers like people, treat their problems like problems, not incidents; and do your best to make sure they feel respected more than valued.
I’m sorry
As companies, we sometimes fall short of customer expectations. When this happens, and the customer is letting you know, don’t be afraid to apologize. Showing sincere regret and actual accountability when it comes to rectifying the situation will make a huge difference.
These tips seem simple, even common sense-y, but not a lot of companies are doing it consistently. And if you’re unable to keep your customers fat and happy with regard to your customer experience, the modern customer shows an increasing willingness to move on to something new.
Take these tips to heart and don’t get left out in the cold.