At first glance, the customer service and support habitat seems exceedingly complex. It’s inhabited by divergent groups of people with differing priorities; and differing general philosophies on how to best serve customer needs.
If you consider multichannel support, service levels, performance metrics, and customer satisfaction all at once; it might even be a little overwhelming.
As a whole, each group requires the others to uphold the ecosystem, but customers occupy the spot at the top of the food chain. Whereas animals/ecosystems live to survive; businesses succeed by serving customers.
Regardless of what all these parties want, apart from the metrics and efficiencies and priorities; when removing these distractions, the habitat only thrives when customers succeed.
Naturally, customer only succeeds when executives and strategists and managers and agents all prioritize the customer first, puting the experience at the head of the line.
But how do we do this? How do we remove these distractions? Well, when you remove these distractions and divergent demands, the customer support process reveals a startlingly simple transaction.
At the heart of customer service: a customer asks a question, an agent answers it. It’s Q&A, plain and simple. Yet we’ve complicated this simple, person-to-person interaction for years now.
So, how do we fix this? How do we get back to basics? It’s easy! You just go back to the basics:
What do your customers want?
They want the right answers to their questions.
When do they want it?
Right now.
How does they want?
Right where they are at the moment. In a house. With a mouse. In a box. With a fox. Here or there. Anywhere.
No, as customer-focused organizations, how do we meet these demands? Weill, its familiar, if not easy. People, process, tools. Familiar, right?
We’ll The PhaseWare Tracker Platform eliminates these distractions to keep the focus on your customer experience. While the PhaseWare Tracker Platform includes several discrete elements, its core functionality derives from the close integration of Tracker Ticketing, Tracker Event Engine, and the Tracker Self-Service Center (SSC).
Tracker Ticketing provides a hub for capturing ALL customer information and tracking it throughout the resolution lifecycle.
Tracker Event Engine, meanwhile, directs traffic, automating communications, alerts, escalations, and service level agreements.
Tracker SSC, meanwhile, serves as the gateway, providing an evolving knowledge base, ticket submission, and incident tracking features.
Taken as a whole, the PhaseWare Tracker Platform ensures a timely, consistent, and rewarding customer experience; while providing support agents with a sense of comfort and familiarity.
The PhaseWare Tracker Platform comprises the following elements:
Tracker Ticketing
Tracker Event Engine
Tracker Self-Service Center
- Tracker E-mail Integration
- Tracker Knowledge Base
- Tracker Admin and Screen Designer