Between one of my latest blogs and an article I just read on 2012 trends, there is one trend that I believe is the future of customer service and support and that is customers rocking the vote.
Customers are already a big part of your company’s voice, so how can you keep your customers happy and let them know that their voices are being heard? Let them suggest potential, new ideas and allow them the opportunity to see and help decide on the ideas at hand. These options allow your customers the chance to interact with each other, decide what they think would be a great feature to expand on or to add to your company and let them know and feel that they are a vital part of your company’s success.
Be Careful… you need to be willing to act on these ideas if you or your customers are going to put them out there for your customers to decide on. It’s cliche but you need to be able to walk the walk, not just talk.
This is the future of customer service. No one knows what your customers want more than, well, your customers! Let them have a voice.
What do you think is the future of customer service and customer support? I’d love to hear your thoughts.