PhaseWare Makes the Cut to Present at CRM Idol 2011

Paul Greenberg and friends have come up with a challenge for us smaller “CRM-like” companies called CRM Idol 2011. We sent in our information as soon as we could and made the cut to present to a very prestigious group of judges and other thought leaders in CRM/Customer Service and Support in August.

Here is a list of the primary judges from the first announcement:

  1. Paul Greenberg – Managing Principal, The 56 Group, LLC
  2. Jesus Hoyos – Managing Partner,, LLC
  3. Esteban Kolsky – Principal and Founder, Thinkjar LLC
  4. Brent Leary – Managing Partner, CRM Essentials
  5. Denis Pombriant – CEO, Beagle Research Group

And here are some additions that came in later:

  1. Barry Trailer, Managing Partner, CSO Insights 
  2. Michelle DeHaaff, Chief Marketing Officer of Attensity
  3. Bruce Culbert, Chief Service Officer at the Pedowitz Group
  4. Alex Williams
  5. Ramon Ray
  6. Larry Ritter,  Senior Vice President & General Manager of CRM for Sage Software
  7. Chris Carfi, Vice President of Antseyeview
  8. Brian Vellmure, Founder and Principal of Initium, LLC.
  9. Thomas Vander Wal, Principal at InfoCloud Solutions who joins the Extended Judges Influencers Panel.
  10. Kristian af Sandberg, Product Manager, Redpill Linpro

We are very excited to be able to present our customer service and support software to this distinguished list. We have some time to prepare and get very nervous, so wish us luck and give us a boost if you are in a position to vote for us.

Thanks from Team PhaseWare!!!

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