Congratulations, Shama Kabani, Winner Of 2010 Tech Titan Award!

Congratulations are in order for Shama Kabani, CEO of The Marketing Zen Group who was announced the winner of the 2010 Tech Titan Award for Emerging Company CEO at the gala August 27.

In an earlier post I offered a slice of Shama’s professional life from the company’s website. Today I want to say that, personally, Shama is a very enthusiactic propronent of Social Media marketing who is willing to share her expertise with those of us still catching up with the whole social media whirl. I heard her speak at PhaseWare’s User’s Summit last May, and, even though she wasn’t feeling well that day, her presentation was fresh and upbeat with plenty of tips for small business on using Social Media for marketing purposes.

Shama is at the beginning of a very successful professional life and PhaseWare wishes her best of luck, although with her skills, she won’t need it.

Congratulations again, Shama. You deserve it!


photo courtesy of the Women’s Leadership Exchange

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